Memories from our Senior Year – February 1972
Author: Rob Corns
February, for the most part is thankfully the shortest month of the year. But, in 1972, it was a leap year so another day had to be added. And, as you know, every leap year, there is a Presidential election. For us who were 17 or 18 year-old, it also meant that, since Congress on March 23, 1971, and later ratified July 1, 1971, the 26th amendment, it granted the right to vote to American citizens aged eighteen or older. So as long as you were eligible before Tuesday, November 7th, you could cast your vote! I think I better stop now before you all start getting flashbacks to Civics class.
(Purely personal time: Lakewood High School were blessed with an outstanding core of teaching professionals when we went there. I’m sure that there was a teacher that you, for whatever reasons, admired and inspired you while you were there. One such teacher was Mrs. Bettina Bassi, my 11th grade English teacher. Her encouragement, not only to me, but others in her class, stayed with me all my life. I even have a paper I wrote that I have kept to this day that she wrote, “This is the best thing that you have written! A+/A+!” It has a “Twilight Zone” vibe to it.
Years later, when my wife and I were looking at houses, one of the homes we went to coincidentally, was one that Mrs. Bassi lived in. I got a chance to tell her that If there was ever a teacher in my life that encouraged me to write, it was her.
Sadly, I just discovered that Mrs. Bassi, at the ripe young age of 97, passed away this past New Year’s Eve. I am heartbroken. Thanks you, Mrs. Bassi, for making a difference in my life!)
In 1972, that pesky Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow which meant 6 more weeks of Winter. And, from what I understand, this is what passed for Science back then!! Just Kidding, Just Kidding!!
As far as the weather for February, 1972 in the Lakewood area, it ranged from a low of -7 on Feb 10 to a high of 58 on February 29th.But, we did get 5.5 inches of snow on February 6 (a Sunday). Someone said last month that Lakewood was a stickler for keeping the schools open while everyone else in the area shut down. I have a feeling that if a nuclear bomb had gone off, the superintendent would have said, “Just walk it off. School is in session!””
What’s kind of funny though, when I was going to Horace Mann Junior High, I, and fellow students Jeff Kristofeld, Donna Michalski and, Dan Thomas, literally had that school in our backyard! So, when they DID announce school closings back then, it was a nice day off. Yeah, I lived real close.
LHS1972…Keep On Trucking members: “How close were you?”
I was so close, if class started at 8:00 am., at 7:58, the alarm rang I woke up, fell out of bed
dragged a comb across my head. Wait! I’d eat breakfast, go out the backdoor, enter the school, go to my locker, get my stuff out of there, go into my homeroom and, because my last name was called right after “Bueller” I’d raise my hand and say, “Here!”
And now, we turn to sports. The LHS Hockey Rangers, although finishing with a 5-8 record under the tutelage of Coach Al Senkovich, did send senior Captain Mark Muth, Steve Kaye and Tom Scott to the Greater Cleveland All-Star Game.
I had forgotten to add an event from January. The LHS Dance Group which, among other students, was comprises of seniors Jan Schade, Jill Cooke, Susan Dreby, Patricia ReidJon Graham and Judie Gluvna However, the highlight of that weekend event was the dance that Senior Brenda Klingbeil (Schwinn) performed “Eine Kleine Tanz” by Mozart during Kinesoma. She danced AND choreographed the number herself Even her fellow dancers remarked “How can you follow something like Brenda, she’s so good!” And, fellow Truckers, I can guarantee you that, even after all these years, Brenda can STILL bust a move like she did back then. If it was me, I’d probably bust something else on me!!
Also, The 1972 Winter Olympics were held this month in Sapporo, Japan from February 3rd to February 13th with Americans winning 8 medals (3 Gold, 2 Silver and 3 Bronze with the U.S. Men’s National Ice Hockey Team winning one of the silver medals.
If you were going to the movies, usually the dead of Winter doesn’t have a lot of selections. However, there was one movie that premiered that month that went on to be highly acclaimed. No, it’s not THAT one you’re thinking about. It was “Cabaret” which won several Academy Awards including Liza Minnelli and Cleveland’s own Joel Grey.
In February, 1972, we were probably in The L-Room listening to songs like Harry Nilsson “Without You”, T. Rex’s “Bang A Gong”, “Down By The Lazy River” by The Osmond Bros, the song that takes me back to the winter of 1972, “Precious And Few” by Climax feat Sonny Geraci, Cleveland hometown boy and Heart Of Gold by Neil Young! Yes. THAT Neil Young!!
And, by the way, if there was a teacher that influenced your life at LHS, if you’d like, give that person a shout-out!!
Well, this post is getting just as long as February Stay safe and warm!!