Memories from our Senior Year 1972
Author: Rob Corns
As we finally wind down our last month of academic life at Lakewood High School, there was still some unfinished business in the final two weeks. One of which was Senior skip day! It was a day that we could blow off classes and have a little fun. Now I’m not saying everyone did it. I’m sure the ones who wanted to have perfect attendance thought better of it, but, as it was an unofficial day off, perhaps administration looked the other way. This might have been the day a bunch of us went to cedar Point for the day. Anyway, I never included this fact in any of my job resumes going forward!!
And, let’s not forget when several unnamed Senior boys got up early on June 4 to put up several “For Sale” signs in front of LHS as a school prank! Apparently, the Lakewood Police weren’t buying it!
The Senior Prom was held June 9, 1972 at the Sheraton Cleveland Main Ballroom $17.75 per couple ($122,00 in today’s money). Although I did not attend, from what I understand it was very special and everyone attending had a great time. If you went, please feel free to share some of your memories of that night!!
Saturday, June 10 between 12:30 am and 5:30 a.m. was the After Prom Party at The Lakewood Masonic Temple, which I and a few friends actually went to. Not sure of the name of the bad that was playing, but I do remember that they were playing a Creedence Clearwater Revival song, “Born On The Bayou” and they were absolutely killing it!!
In school sports news, our own Bruce “Skip” Hanson won LHS “Athlete-Of-The Year” on June 8th, and why not? He either participated and lettered in all three major sports, football, basketball and baseball. Which, along with track. In fact, here’s something that will warm the heart of Rangers fans: Skip pitched 11 innings against cross-town rival St. Edwards Eagles and beat them 2-1 in the regionals!
The Baccalaureate was held on Sunday June 12 and then next day was the Commencement Ceremony. Of course, to make things run smoothly, there was the obligatory Commencement rehearsal on the Civic at 8:30 a.m. Then, at 8:15, the 900+ seniors gathered together for their diplomas and final send offs.
After being introduced by the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert Cawrse, we heard from Gary Holmes (Mixup Of Priorities), Susan Schwartz (An Aim In Life), Michael Summers (The Affects of Change) and Elise Miller (The Silent Individual). It was then that Mr. Eugene Myslenski, the school principal, made the Presentation of Diplomas. The moment that we had all been waiting for had finally come!!
To the applause of the parents and family of the Senior Class of 1972, it was time for the Alma Mater and Benediction. I’m guessing that the whole show went close to 11:00 or so, which, nowadays is WAY past my bedtime!!
One of my endearing impressions that I will always remember from my last day at LHS probably happened on Friday June 16, 1972. Everyone was clearing out their lockers and getting prepared for the rest of their lives after high school. I believe that I was on the 2ns floor in House #2 (maybe?). I was saying goodbye to some of my friends when I saw a somewhat sad and forlorn Walter Johnson. Walter was someone who I had gone through McKinley (where he would kick my butt in 4yh grade spelling bees), Horace Mann and now high school with. He had, to me, beaten the odds and succeeded where some others might have failed. I walked up to him and he had tears in his eyes. He extended his right hand and I shook it. To me, from what I remember, he looked a little lost, that this was it for him after 13 years of education. I reassured him that he was going to be okay. I have seen him at every reunion since and, to be honest, he’s done great for himself. Hopefully Virginia Herdman will be there to do their special dance!
I always get a chuckle when I look through my LHS 1972 Cinema to see the people who I asked to sign my yearbook. Most of them said things like “Lots of luck!”, Best Wishes!” To a funny guy!” “To a guy who tries hard, but not hard enough!” “Seek Professional Help” and so in, but the one I really liked was from Mario Bruckner whop wrote, “Keep up the bad puns. Maybe they’ll be funny someday!” Hey! I’ve been trying for 50 years. Maybe one of these day, you just never know!!
After graduation, I assume that some went off to college or trade schools. Some found jobs right away either here or out of state. Some stayed at home to chill for awhile to make their decisions. Some couldn’t wait until they were 18 to move out of their parent’s house and be on their own. Sadly, some of our classmates never made it out of their 20’s and, to this day, are very much missed.
Songs of June 1972 included “Song Sung Blue” by Neil Diamond, “Troglodyte” by The Jimmy Castor Bunch, “Rocket Man” by Elton John and Wayne Newton’s “Daddy, Don’t You Walk So Fast”. Incidentally, Elton John is back on the charts 50 years later with a remix of Rocket Man along with Dua Lipa called “Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)”and, appropriately, “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper.
Bookends. When we started in 10th grade at Lakewood High in September of 1969, , man had just landed on the moon in July and Woodstock happened in August, The Brady Bunch premiered on TV, the number 1 song was “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies. and the war in Vietnam was going on. When we graduated, it was the Watergate Scandal, the tragedy at the 1972 Summer Olympics, the war was still dragging on and the number one song was “Lean On Me” by Bill Withers,
Well, I’m going to wrap up this multi-month trip down memory lane. It’s been fun. I know I left some stuff out…please feel free to fill in the gaps. Fifty years is a long time and there were so many memories to choose from. We had some great teachers, administrators and, of course, the camaraderie of our fellow students back in the day. There were good times and there were some bac, but we somehow persevered!
I’ll leave you now with these words from our class song that still resonate today. Written by Carole King it’s “You Got A Friend”.
You just call out my name
And you know, wherever I am
I’ll come runnin’
To see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I’ll be there
You’ve got a friend
Hope to see you all at the reunion in September
Oh yeah, and one more thing:
Keep On Truckin’!!!!